Download Notepad++ 5.8.4

logoNotepad++ is a text editing app. It is also a source code editor. This was first developed in the year 2003 as a Windows -only app. Later on, with any updates and all, notepad also runs on platforms like iOS, Android, UNIX as well. Over the years it has emerged to become a much used crossed platform text editing app supporting a huge number of programming languages altogether. Notepad++ is now widely used for web development purposes. As per record, it has been downloaded millions of times!

Features of Notepad++ 5.8.4

Notepad++ has a lot of features like:
Notepad++ has an Autosave feature which comes to aid in case of accidental shut down. So no data will be lost.
 Line bookmarking is also available.
 Notepad++ supports several languages so we don’t have to convert programs for different compilers.
 Runs in all Windows (Win 2000/XP/Vista/7/8.1/10) environment.
 Guided indentation is also available.
 Options like split screen editing are also available.
 Syntax highlighting and syntax folding is supported.
 Supports 52 languages, a few of which include C, C++, FORTRAN, Python, Java, PHP, SQL, COBOL.
 It has a very simple and elegant user interface which makes it easier to use.
 Notepad++ is free!
 Notepad++ allows tabbed editing which enables the user to run multiple programs in a single window.
 It has an “Auto-complete” feature which results in word-completion and function- completion.
 Drag-and- drop is supported.

How to download Notepad++ 5.8.4?

Notepad++ is a safe app that does not contain any virus or malware. But it is always advisable to download it from a reliable source if downloaded and installed from the internet separately.

Download Notepad++

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